Tout le plaisir d'une douce confiture d'abricot artisanale au fructose aux notes fraiches de fruits jaunes en version allégée en sucre. Fidèle à sa volonté de toujours magnifier le fruit et de mettre tout en œuvre pour sublimer la saveur du fruit, la Maison Francis Miot utilise les meilleures variétés d'abricots reconnues pour leurs excellentes qualités gustatives.
Délicatement parfumée, cette confiture d'abricots représente un grand classique à savourer aussi bien en tartinant des tranches de pain, qu'en nappant un cake ou bien en agrémentant une panna cota. Les fruits sont mijotés au fructose, préparés avec en moyenne 75% de fruits.
Notre boutique de vente en ligne a le plaisir de vous faire découvrir cette confiture artisanale au fructose disponible en pot de 320g.
Since always, the Maison Francis Miot has made the choice to let the fruit predominate instead of sugar in order to preserve an optimal quality in its jams.
Francis Miot was the first Master Artisan Jam Maker to develop a range of jams without added sugar.
These fructose jams are made with 70 to 75% fruit. Francis Miot was one of the first Master Artisans Jam Makers to develop a range without added sugar* (fruits already contain natural sugar). The recipes in this collection are made with carefully selected fruit (picked at maturity) and cooked with fructose, the sugar found in the fruit. These homemade jam recipes contain only 28% to 44% sugar and therefore offer undeniable advantages. Rest assured, this sugar reduction does not alter the taste quality of our jams, on the contrary. To take care of your line or simply for the pleasure of your taste buds, discover our selection of light jams more delicious than each other.
Our low-sugar jams do not contain aspartame, sweetener, or any other synthetic sugar and are made with the natural sugar of the fruit, which represents a lower brix rate of 55 compared to conventional jams.
Our low-sugar jams will allow you to add a delicate sweet note to your food without worrying about your health and without guilt.
To make our low-sugar jams, we select the best varieties of fruit that we take care to pick at maturity, thus revealing all their aromas and their incomparable gustatory qualities. These highly tasty and low-calorie jams will therefore perfectly accompany your grilled breakfast sandwiches as well as your pancakes, brioches, waffles or yogurt.
Fructose : a natural sugar with slow absorption
It is a sugar that helps regulate blood sugar, fructose being an all-natural sugar found in fruits and honey. It has a sweetening power 60% higher than saccharose. Although fructose, an all-natural sugar, has certain dietary and nutritional qualities, it is nevertheless a gastronomic product since it develops the flavour of foods.
Fructose has a very low glycemic index, which means that the contained energy diffuses more regularly and for longer in the body. It does not therefore solicit the endocrine pancreas, but on the other hand, offers primary benefits for the regulation of blood sugar in diabetics.
Its use is extremely interesting for both athletes and diabetics (D.N.I.D) because for the same amount consumed, choosing fructose instead of saccharose would produce a less important glycemic response.
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Naturellement douce et savoureuse avec ses morceaux de fruits fondants qui rappellent les saveurs estivales, cette préparation de pêche allégée en sucre met en majesté ces beaux fruits jaunes particulièrement ensoleillées empreints des vergers du sud de la France. La Maison utilise les meilleures variétés de pêches sélectionnées pour leurs qualités gustatives en privilégiant les producteurs locaux. Gourmande et légère elle se révélera délicieuse étalée sur une tartine ou en complément d'un dessert ou yaourt.
Notre boutique de vente en ligne a le plaisir de vous faire découvrir cette confiture artisanale de Pêche au fructose disponible en pot de 320g.