
Founded in 1985, the Maison Francis Miot embodies for more than 30 years a long tradition of excellence and craftsmanship.
Best Jam Maker of France and Triple World Champion of jams (classified out of competition since), Francis Miot considered “that a good jam is above all good fruit!”. Only the best varieties are selected for their gustatory qualities. The fruits are picked at maturity to reveal all their aromas.
The Maison Francis Miot highlights the know-how and passion of taste. The manufacturing processes of our artisan jams, whose quality has been rewarded with numerous awards, remain unchanged for many years: The short and controlled cooking in small copper cauldrons allows to fully preserve the flavor of the fruits rigorously chosen for their exceptional taste and thus reduce the sugar content. Our jams are thus called “fruit preparations” because they are below the brix rate of 55 imposed by the regulation of jams (claim to be called jam). 

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Harmonieuse et fraîche association de la pêche, de la framboise et de l'hibiscus, symbole de la beauté et de l’amour pour cette dernière-née, nommée "Fleur d'amour".
Une confiture fleurie créée par nos Maitres-Confituriers vous invitant à célébrer l'amour, la passion et l'éveil des sens !
Un audacieux mélange de fruits créant un subtil mariage de saveurs qui vous fera à coup sûr, tomber en amour !
Notre boutique de vente en ligne a le plaisir de vous faire découvrir cette confiture artisanale Fleur d'Amour au sucre de canne, disponible en pot de 340g.